
Counting my blessings

Sunday, December 28, 2014


As the year draws to a close and I reflect on the readings of this feast of the Holy Family, I am reminded of the many blessings the Lord has granted me this year. From the precious memories with family, the many adventures with friends and the clear ways in which God has brought me closer to fulfilling my vocation, this has been a wonderful year, as all years tend to be.

I was incredibly blessed to have spent some precious time with Mother Mary through a novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. It was even more special to have the company of a certain man, who kept me accountable though the novena and offered great insights.

Although pictures can never do it justice, I figured some photos would help solidify in my heart just how blessed I have been. So follow the link below for a compilation of special moments from 2014:


To Mary

Monday, November 10, 2014

Time flies when you're discerning your vocation, huh?

This past month was filled with wonderful changes and many sweet surprises (more on that later).

One of the highlights of the past weeks was spending a few days with the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Baltimore. It was an incredible opportunity to learn more about their beautiful ministries, which include teaching the Faith, offering counsel to individuals and families and helping to run parishes in the U.S. and overseas.

It was great to hear each sister's story and to see the passion they have for serving others. What an amazing group of women!

I made it a point not to ask any questions (of where they were taking me or what the next activity was) and was positively surprised by all they had me do! These very generous sisters had planned my days so that I would spend a few hours with each sister at her work place (parishes, Catholic Charities , archdiocesan offices, etc.) They also found time to take me to tons of historic churches, to D.C.,  the inner harbor in Baltimore and to Fort McHenry, where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the Star Spangled Banner.

Having done so much in so little time, I have to say the one thing that touched me the most was being in so many beautiful places dedicated to the Virgin Mary. I have to say my devotion and reliance on mamma Mary has grown tremendously this past year and I often find myself saying "Jesus, why can't I be more like Mary?" As in patient, wise, prudent and faithful to God. Heaven knows my ascent into sainthood has been quite tricky (see image) but with Mary's unfailing intercession I know
 it is not impossible.

My prayer is that my heart will continue to be shaped by God and will become more like Mary's!

And now of course, some poor quality pics that won't ever do these places justice:

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception


Cathedral of Mary our Queen

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Mary, give me your Heart: so beautiful, so pure, so immaculate; your Heart so full of love and humility that I may be able to receive Jesus in the Bread of Life and love Him as you love Him and serve Him in the distressing guise of the poor."--Blessed Mother Teresa

Welch and Dickey

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Columbus Day weekend was cold and beautiful and joyful and grand.

We ( the Catholic Outdoor Adventures Club) set out on a three day adventure in the White Mountains. The weekend began with what should have been a two hour drive but became a three-and-a-half pilgrimage to Waterville Valley, where we set up camp. 

The next morning we set out on an loop hike across the summits of Welch and Dickey mountains. The hike provided wonderful views of the fall foliage as the trail wind its way across the open ledges.

We were blessed to have Fr. Dan Hennessey with us on the hike and enjoyed the luxury of celebrating mass at the camp site. Fr. Dan's words on the similarities between our prayer lives and climbing a mountain were sure appropriate for the occasion!

On Saturday night we feasted on Scott's burgers, his impressive apple pie and drinks galore ( we felt it was important to remain true to that day's first reading ). Scott also gave a rendition of "The Cremation of Sam McGee" (one of my favorite tales). 
The beauty and fun of the weekend was only decreased by the freezing temperatures, which made for nights that felt like years. 

On Sunday morning we packed, chatted and made our way to Tilt'n Diner

While the weekend was certainly great, it was nice to return to warm beds and hot showers!

"On this mountain the LORD of hosts 
will provide for all peoples
a feast of rich food and choice wines,

juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines." Is 25: 6 

Ipswich River

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Just when I said we had officially bid farewell to summer, what a surprise ! A gorgeous, sunny, warm day!

So off we were to an exciting day of kayaking on the Ipswich River!

After a few hours of kayaking, we made our way to Clam Box in Ipswich. It seems everyone else in town had the same idea, so we waited for what felt like an eternity for that greasy deliciousness. 

Thanks Kev Oullette for the pic!

Because five hours together isn't enough, we headed to Downriver Ice Cream in Rowley, where I had the best almond joy ice cream ever!

thanks Kev!

thanks again Kev !

jee you're so great Kev!

I must say, what a day!

"You could not step twice into the same rivers, for other waters are ever flowing on to you." - Heraclitus

Walden Pond

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Today we bid adieu to summer and all its carefree enjoyment. While there is still much fun to be had, cold winter months aren't quite the best for socializing alfresco.

The Catholic Outdoor Adventure club organized an afternoon of swimming, eating and gabbing at Walden Pond in Concord Mass.

Walden Pond was made famous by Henry David Thoreau, who lived in the lake's northern shore from 1845-1847.

Although the clouds kept us company for much of the afternoon and the water was only a step above the ocean, we had a great time!

"It is not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau 

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid... (part II)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

And we're back for part numero dos of Natalia's guide to visiting Madrid. If touristy attractions aren't for you and you'd like to find the city's hidden jewels, here's your guide:

Authors Streets: If you are a Spanish literature freak like me, you should travel to the Calles of Lope de Vega and Cervantes. There you will find the houses of the famous writes (although Cervantes’ burned down centuries ago, you can see where it once stood).  The streets have carvings of their works, plus the works of Gongora and Quevedo.

Chocolate and churros: ENOUGH SAID

While there is plenty to do in Madrid, I would also recommend visiting Avila, Granada, Asturias and Toledo. There are also  many places I did not make it to but I imagine are simply magical, such as Ibiza and Barcelona.  :-)

I hope you have enjoyed the post! See you in Madrid!
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