
These are a few of my favorite things... and cliché is my forte.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Some links to the things I can't live without or prefer not to.

1.Thredup. What is a girl who loves clothes but hates (and can't afford) hefty price tags to do? Ladies and gentleman, it is my pleasure to introduce you to previously loved clothes!


Seriously, thredup is super cool. Tons of great clothing for awesome prices. I've gotten really good items ( Charming Charlie, Anthropologie, Anne Klein, etc ) for $8-$20 bucks. Awesome. For a $10 off code, click here.


Forever 21 Sandals $6.49
Topshop Summer Dress $13.99  
2. Pray More Novenas. Do you begin novenas with all faith and devotion only to forget all about them a few days later? Good. I'm not the only one.
 I began praying the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with this online community back in June and so far I've prayed their novena to St. Anne, a novena for religious freedom and persecuted Christians, and will end the novena to St. Monica this Wednesday on her feast day.
It is very simple. Sign up to join this prayer community and you will receive an e-mail with the prayers of the day each day of the novena. You can e-mail them your intentions and the whole community will pray with/for you.

3. Peddler's Daughter in Haverhill. I probably shouldn't advertise since the place is always packed as it is, but this really is a cool spot. Tuesday night trivia is the best and the food is pretty good. Either that or my standards are very low, not sure which one.  

Photo courtesy of Primary Design

4. Graze.  For about $6 a week you can have tasty snacks delivered to your home (about 4 snack boxes a week). You can also opt to receive them every other week.  They offer a huge selection of snacks, many of which are gluten-free or under 100-something calories.  Some of my favorites are the chocolate orange flapjack, triple berry smoothie (it's not a smoothie) and wholegrain banana caramel dippers (yum!).
Use reward code T7Q1G427P and get your first and 5th box free.

Hello world!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So what better way to celebrate a summer full of joy and adventures than to start a blog?

 Let me start by stating I can't promise any brainy articles or theologically dense posts. What you will probably get are the musings and adventures of a 20-something Catholic girl in New England who happens to be a youth minister and who is at this moment two semesters away from becoming a teacher but is light-years away from the college life.

Who knows? Maybe in ten years I will look back on these posts and see just how much more awesome life has turned out! If that's even possible :-)

So on this inaugural post, I will look back on the best moments of aforementioned summer. Still there? Good!

                                                                                         photo courtesy of Jessica Jacques
1. The longest and most painful and most beautiful hike in the history of all hikes. Seriously.
2. Fireworks on the Esplanade followed by the fun of running around Boston under the greatest flood since Noah.
3. Swing Dancing at Boston Swing Central and their lawn party. 
4. Plymouth and bocce and boats and burgers. The company was excellent too. (Woohoo Danielle and Davide!)
5. Morning mass at All Saints. Could have been every day but the way my sleep schedule is set up... I know. Lame.

6. "Summa Triviologia" at Peddler's Daughter with Fr. Peter. Our first night (see above).      
       Our most recent night (see below).

7. On that note, Fr. Peter and his enthusiasm and joy!
 And his serious trivia knowledge!
                                                                 photo courtesy of Bryan Carnahan
8. Mass at the top of Mt. Monadnock. AMAZING. You can read about it here.

  9. Florida. Warm Water. Joy.
                       10. Friends! The old ones, the newish ones, the brand new ones!
                                                   Thank you all for an awesome summer!
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