
My last big accomplishment as Miss Peixoto

Friday, January 15, 2016

Hello world!!!!!

As I write this post, I am proud to say I have finished my student teaching internship two hours ago!

While this has been the most challenging time of my life (exhausting, to be completely honest), I will miss students, staff and the routine of a teacher. I will even miss waking up at 5AM and being so productive.

Now it's back to youth ministry, part-time mentoring work and planning a wedding!

Speaking of wedding planning, it has been going well, thank you!
Not without its challenges (just ask Nick), but we are getting there. All the big things are settled, now all that's left are the details!

As for Thanksgiving and Christmas, all went well, lots of time was spent with family and friends and the house is cozy and inviting! What more can a girl want?

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