
Oh Baby!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Writing this down so it is recorded in internet history!

We have a child! Lidia Maria Twaalfhoven is now 24 weeks in utero (here are some shots of her at 20 weeks) and she is expected to make her arrival on March 19th, 2018.

Here are some pregnancy deets I need to make sure not to forget:

Found out I was pregnant on July 18th 2017 (roughly 6 weeks along/ 4 weeks after conception/ a couple of weeks after the running of the bull, yikes!)
Felt very tired and nauseated most days until the the second semester began.
Once the second semester began I felt super energetic and hungry all of a sudden!
Began pregnancy at 137-138 pounds.
In the past two months I have gained about 12 pounds!

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