
Madrid, Madrid, Madrid... (part II)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

And we're back for part numero dos of Natalia's guide to visiting Madrid. If touristy attractions aren't for you and you'd like to find the city's hidden jewels, here's your guide:

Authors Streets: If you are a Spanish literature freak like me, you should travel to the Calles of Lope de Vega and Cervantes. There you will find the houses of the famous writes (although Cervantes’ burned down centuries ago, you can see where it once stood).  The streets have carvings of their works, plus the works of Gongora and Quevedo.

Chocolate and churros: ENOUGH SAID

While there is plenty to do in Madrid, I would also recommend visiting Avila, Granada, Asturias and Toledo. There are also  many places I did not make it to but I imagine are simply magical, such as Ibiza and Barcelona.  :-)

I hope you have enjoyed the post! See you in Madrid!

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